Share Your Ideas | Social Science Translated

Are you 6-13 years old?

If so, we'd love to hear from you!

When you feel good about who you are and learn how to ask for things in a kind way, you can do amazing things and help make your community be a great place for everyone.

We’re making cool tools to help kids with disabilities, and we’d love to hear what you think! Your answers will help us make sure these tools are helpful and easy to use.

Thank you!


We would like to hear from kids to help make better resources for children with disabilities. 

The resources are to build healthy personal identity and respectful self-advocacy from a young age with support from a Peer Support and Capacity Building grant from the NDIA in Australia.

By letting your child answer, you agree their answers can be used to help us with research and resource creation. We’ll keep everything private (see our privacy policy).

Thank you!

Would you like to contribute too?  Adult Survey

About You
Let's talk about who are you and how you speak up
Please answer as best you can.
Leave empty if you really don’t know or don't want to answer.
(Hint: Think about what’s important to you and how you think. Maybe something you really love about yourself or that you see as different to others. What's something that makes you, YOU?).
(Hint: Does it make you feel proud, different, or something else?)
(Hint: What good things happen when you are feeling happy or confident?)
(Hint: Why do you choose to share your ideas or ask for things you need at times?)
(Hint: Maybe at home, at school, or with friends?)
(Hint: Maybe something they can say or not say, do or not do, or tips they can give?)
(For example, are you autistic, ADHD, dyslexic, or something else that makes your brain work differently to some other people?)
Parent/Guardian Contact Details (Optional)

If you would like to know more about this project, your parent/guardian can share their contact details with us.