SAS Assistant Short Course Enrolment | Social Science Translated

SAS Assistant Short Course Enrolment

AUD $59.50


Please contact Social Science Translated if you want to purchase an enrolment for another person (

This self-paced online short course is a foundation for any adult planning to support an SAS Facilitator in their Secret Agent Society Small Group delivery.
On completing this introduction training, SAS Assistants may be asked to support a lead SAS Facilitator to manage the SAS group process, assist individual literacy or behaviour needs, or navigate turn-taking and token giving during sessions.
The course is the equivalent of 2-3 hours of professional development and can be completed flexibly in your own time. There are no eligibility requirements to undertake this course.


By clicking ‘Apply’, you will be commencing the application process and full payment of your training fees will be required by credit card or by redeeming a coupon.
You will then receive a payment notification and enrolment confirmation email.Access to the SAS training platform will be provided after full payment is received.

Please contact Social Science Translated if you want to purchase an enrolment for another person.